The use of this OBGYN Ultrasound Lecture Series for educational purposes is supported by the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG). This content includes a comprehensive in-depth curriculum that goes beyond the scope of the CREOG Educational Objectives and Milestones. Program Directors may use parts of the OBGYN Ultrasound Lecture Series, depending on their local educational goals. This material may be useful for resident or fellow training to complement the “Obstetric and Gynecologic Curriculum and Competency Assessment in Residency Training Programs," as well as for other health care providers who wish to update their knowledge and diagnostic imaging capabilities.

CREOG considers the following presentations as providing the highest yield core topics for OBGYN residency training:
- First-Trimester Fetal Anatomic Assessment
- First-Trimester Fetal Genetic Analysis: It’s Not All About Down Syndrome
- Ultrasound in Twins (first half of presentation)
- Sonographic Evaluation of Early Pregnancy Loss
- The Use of Ultrasound in Perimenopausal and Post Menopausal Bleeding
- Principles of Sonography
- Fetal Growth: Basic Concepts and Diagnostic Approaches (first half of presentation)
- Sonographic Cervical Length for the Prediction of Preterm Birth: Standardization of the Technique and Pitfalls